In this age of fast-paced school, work and home environments, our lives are highly demanding and ever changing. The modern world comes with an incredible range of possibilities, challenges, and a wide selection of responsibilities. This modern world is overwhelming and therefore, we tend to get tired, weak, and stressed. But is there a solution to all these effects of the modern world? Yes, you can practice meditation.
Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So relax.”
Bryant McGill
One of the most common objections people have to the understanding meditation is that it is some sort of religious experience. That somehow, someway, if you practice meditation or meditation paired with yoga, you are basically converted into a different religion. This is wrong. Meditation is a tool.

Meditation is the practice of bringing your mind to a complete stop while maintaining a state of awareness. According to research, just 20 minutes of consistent meditation sessions can have a significant positive impact on one’s overall health and improve quality of life.
What is the exact mechanism by which this operates?

It all comes down to hormones in the end. Blood pressure and heart rate are raised by stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenalin, whereas “feel good” chemicals such as serotonin, which are released when one is in a state of relaxation, work to repair cells and restore balance.
Meditation makes the body less responsive to stress hormones, which lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation, improves digestion and immunity, and establishes emotional and neurological “balance.” The health benefits from meditation are also beneficial for people with diabetes.
TIWIW would like to highlight 5 ways meditation can benefit you and your loved ones.
1. Achieve Indescribable Happiness

At first, you may not understand how meditation could decrease your stress. But after finishing the breathing exercises and contemplating, you will realize that you have nourished your inner self. People tend to have an inner sense of peace because a short moment of reflection makes them forget their problems outside meditation.
2. Positive Effect on Relationships

Several people are not aware of it, but careful contemplation helps people forget minor conflicts with other people. Since meditation teaches people to concentrate on the positive things in life, it becomes easier for people to prevent negative vibes from disorienting them.
3. Increase in Brain Activity

A person becomes more adept in terms of learning ability and memory because negative ideas that tend to take spaces in the neurons are eliminated. The physical benefits of meditation also decrease the rate of brain deterioration, because the mind learns to age at a slower rate.
4. Promotes the Health

Meditation decreases the respiratory rate. This is because the normal breathing rates during meditation are slow. Hence, oxygen consumption becomes lower. According to the study conducted by Harvard University researchers “disease-fighting genes” are more active in people who regularly practice meditation”. These genes help to protect the body from a variety of health problems, including:Coronary Heart Disease, Asthma, Infertility, Arthritis, A number of different skin conditions, Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a condition in which the bowels become inflamed.
5. Improves Mood and Emotional Control in Seniors

Do you have someone around you, being forgetful or acting in some other way that is linked to impaired mental functioning. As we age, especially as human beings progress past the age of 50, research shows us that our mental functioning begins to decline. Meditation stimulates the “smile and is happy” area of the brain. Your prefrontal cortex is the “feel good” region of your brain. As you age, you naturally activate this region less frequently, which is why seniors often experience depression and higher levels of stress and anxiety than they did when they were younger.
Seniors that meditate and practice mindfulness can experience dramatic and positive improvements in their mental abilities.

Everyone is unique in his or her own way. Experiment with different meditation techniques to see which ones you prefer and which ones are the most convenient for you. There are whole lots of online classes, Apps available to guide you through the process. Make it a point to add to your TIWIW wish list and share with loved ones, if you would like to receive ‘subscription for any Apps/ classes’ as gift.
What is this ultimate destination for all of us? Well, it’s all about personal clarity and happiness. If you are feeling stuck, frustrated, discouraged, in any way, shape, or form, it’s time to meditate! The positive impact on your body’s health is well worth the effort!
and adopt a conscious lifestyle, checkout the TIWIW App now!

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