Whether we’ve got two friends or 20, we probably care about nurturing our friendships every year. After all, friends bring more laughter and joy to our lives and provide emotional support during tough times.
But sometimes other pressing things get in the way. We have crazy deadlines at work. If we have partners or kids, they might demand most of our free time. Sometimes stress or disappointments may push we to stay away from social life. And occasionally, we might forget a birthday or realize it’s been months since our last catch-up.

That doesn’t mean we’re not good friends, perhaps we want to be even better friends. And for good reason: Scientists have found that what separates the happiest 10% of the population from everyone else is the strength of their social bonds. You can think of someone you would feel comfortable calling at 4 a.m. to tell your troubles to or sharing any of your wishes, you have a good chance of living longer than someone who’s unable to do so.
It’s true: People with strong social support are happier and live longer.
So, what can you do to strengthen your friendships?
There are a variety of ways to make a relationship meaningful — but the one we find the most value in is the differentiating factor. What’s something you can offer a friend that’s outside the norm? It could be as simple as checking their wish list on TIWIW and liking their wish orfulfilling a wish or sending them a product suggestion.
By doing something different — something that exceeds their expectations, big or little — our relationships become much more meaningful over time. They end up becoming some of our strongest connections — even our closest friends.

Meeting friends, family and colleagues not returned to normalcy yet. We haven’t caught up with our near and dear ones, we do not know what they are up to, what do they like these days. If they are not on TIWIW, there is no way to be sure if they truly liked holiday gift you sent across. And if you haven’t invited all your friends to join the TIWIW community, even your experience is incomplete.
You are missing out on knowing what they would really like, which events are they organizing, interesting suggestions that might have for you. You are missing out on saving countless hours, which you might spend looking for the perfect gift for them. You are missing out on a perfect opportunity to rekindle your friendship by bringing real joy into their life by fulfilling their wish.
But as they say, it’s never too late. You can still invite your friends to join TIWIW. You can choose either of the following ways;
Invite Via Tell a friend
Just tap on ‘Tell a friend’ button on ‘Friends’ screen of the app. You can invite your friends and family to join TIWIW via their favorite social app in no time.

Invite Via Email Contacts
Tap the ‘Invite’ button on the ‘Search’ screen and select the contacts you would like to invite to join the TIWIW community via email. A bonus of choosing this option is that you earn 10 Wish Points for every registered contact, which you can later on use to shop.
Go ahead! Rekindle your bond with your loved ones with TIWIW!
TIWIW is specially designed to nurture relationships and spread joy. Share your wishes with friends, share your suggestions, don’t miss out on special events, invite them for events organized by you (virtual for now).
You love TIWIW. Share the love. Help spread the word.
and adopt a conscious lifestyle, checkout the TIWIW App now!

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