Words are not always the only way to express, gifts are often used to express a variety of emotions from appreciating to apologizing. Gifts are sometimes a way of celebrating special moments, a way to start a relationship or simply a way to make someone feel special. Gifts not only please the ones at the receiving end, sometimes they are an outlet for you to feel less guilty or means to flaunt your status.
But do gifts always bring joy?
Ever since you were a child, you have been taught that when you receive a gift you should be happy about it and then give something back in return. To this day most of us still believe that is good manners, but sometimes receiving gifts is stressful because of “gift guilt”.
The most common kind of guilt occurs when someone gives you something but you do not have something to give back or you did not intend to buy a gift for that person.

Another type of gift guilt is when you sincerely do not want or cannot use the gift. For example, you received clothes from relatives in other country that you could not wear. You could not send the clothes back or return them to a store so they were given away to random people. It is sad that you cannot appreciate the gift, but sometimes that is how thing are, and you feel guilty for not liking or using a gift.
The worst kind of gift guilt you get is when friends who are not financially well-off give something. Though you appreciate the gesture you feel bad about it because their need for the money is more than your need for a gift.
Sometimes there is unsettling guilty feeling when you receive large gifts from people you barely know. You feel indebted to people, you just want to avoid the forced connections the gifts bring along.

But most of the times you are just not excited about the gifts itself and because of the emotional connection, you are stuck with them. Mostly they are just lying around in your closet till you re-gift them to someone else. It is such a disappointment that so many gifts received are wasted because either you already owned them, or you did not use or like them.
If you are a giver, there is always anxiety around whether people will like your gift. You spend hours to search for perfect gift and end up overspending. If you are not sure whether someone would like a watch as a gift, a more expensive watch is not the solution.
If you know the other person’s choices and needs, you can avoid the storm of emotions and save time searching for the perfect gift. In the process, you also reduce the wastage – unwanted items ending up in garbage or lying in closet without being used.

Because of this paranoia and guilt people often end up avoiding gifts which are supposed to bring joy and excitement. Let’s take a step back and understand the reason behind this dramatic turn of emotion. The answer is – communication gap!
Luckily as a TIWIWer, you can express your wishes and check your friend’s wish list on the app. On TIWIW app, in addition to knowing your friends’ choices as wishes, you will also get to know where to purchase these gifts and save time.
So, what are your wishes for upcoming holiday season: Halloween, Dushera, Diwali, Thanksgiving and Christmas? Make sure to update your TIWIW Wishlist and invite more friends to join the platform!
and adopt a conscious lifestyle, checkout the TIWIW App now!

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