TIWIW as a brand stands for mindfulness, positivity, and empowerment. Our primary purpose is to create a world of change, drive newer, more sustainable practices and a lifestyle that encourages minimalism. Kindness and gratitude form the foundation of our app and happiness is what we strive to spread, as we develop a way for people to express and fulfill their wishes.
Make a life out of what you have, not what you’re missing
Kate Morton
Our motto is to create a #tiwiwmoment. It allows our users to pause, reflect, and realize that, despite the craziness, life is significant and full of lovely moments. TIWIW is built on the premise that “what defines our life is not what we go through, but how we interpret and learn from our experiences.” The idea behind introducing #tiwiwmoment is to provide our users with the ability to take time out and do things that make life appear to be a little better than it is.

Being reflective is to be grateful. We recognize the significance of being thankful for the people around us, our family, friends, and our larger community, by urging ourselves to look back. We begin to appreciate the people and practices that have shaped us into the people we are, and we are motivated to be better people for them and ourselves.
In the hope to make #tiwiwmoment a more significant part of our daily lives, this week, TIWIW brings forth ways in which you too can take on board the idea of sustainable living, and choose to express gratitude through love, care, support, generosity and become a part of our vibrant community.
1. Begin your day with Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for feeling content in life. It’s not about settling for less, but about appreciating the little things that make life wonderful. Some meaningful ways to do so include:
- Maintaining a gratitude journal to make note of 3 to 5 things that you are thankful for each day
- Creating a photo album with pictures that remind you of happiness and make you feel comfort
- Treating your family to a lovely brunch over the weekend
- Baking some cookies and sending it over to your neighbors or having a BBQ night
- Meeting your friends and looking back at your lovely school memories
- Purchasing flowers for your help at home
- Buying some food and water for someone in need
And so many more!
2. Promote Kindness and Generosity

Many things in life leave us feeling bummed and very few people bother to be empathetic and reach out. As the saying goes, treat others as you would like to be treated.
- Choose to be a source of joy in someone’s life. Compliment someone you meet on the street! Even though it seems unnecessary, it might mean the world to that person.
- Make breakfast for your mom, let her have a rest day and stay in bed for a little longer.
- Write a little note to someone – maybe you liked something they posted on social media, or you appreciate someone’s effort at work
- Check-in with your help at home – offer to help them in ways you can
Be a spark in someone’s day, be their hope in humanity because, as Aesop once said; ‘no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted’.
3. Self-care

Just as important as it is to be kind to those around you, it is essential that you take time out for yourself and indulge in some self-care activities.
- Buy yourself flowers
- Meditate and get in tune with your emotions
- Have a face mask day and pamper yourself with a soothing massage
- Develop a skincare routine and take care of your body
- Write a little note for yourself
- Go grocery shopping – make sure you’re being conscious about your consumption
Treat yourself and remind yourself that you’re proud of the little things you managed to achieve throughout your day. Giving yourself time to relax acts a good energy booster and improves your self-esteem.
4. Mindful Living – Incorporating sustainability

Giving back isn’t limited to just the people around us but extends to our planet too. Looking at how technology has impacted the world around us, it is crucial that we take on the responsibility to look after our environment and make sure our daily practices are beneficial towards it. Some ways to ensure that we think about our planet with our every action could be:
- Including the concept of conscious consumption – not overbuying and being mindful of your choices and what you want.
- Recycle! – Avoid getting plastic bags, make sure you carry a cloth bag with you every time you go shopping
- Volunteer to plant a tree in your neighborhood – research about and collaborate with environmentalists in your area
- Purchase local goods – try and stick to companies that generate local employment!
Every small change you make in your daily routine leads to a larger change in the future. Maintain your focus on your objectives and strive for a better tomorrow. Be compassionate, understanding, and giving.
The world needs a lot more love than it currently has, and #tiwiwmoment is determined to help upgrade and focus on the good.
We hope that by contributing to our initiative, you will find an extra bit of happiness every day. Make use of some of these ideas to make your life and the lives of those around you a little more special.
Oh, and don’t forget to use #tiwiwmoment and tag us on social media!
Let’s work together to make the world a better place.
What do you think?