All of us are busy, but sometimes it becomes too much to handle. Your job is seriously stressing out, you have too many deadlines, you’ve taken on too many projects, you have to manage house chores, kids and work— whatever the case, you’re not sure if you’ll make it through this week. Kidding of course, but sometimes it feels that way.
The truth is that stress doesn’t come from your boss, your kids, your spouse, traffic jams, health challenges or other situations. It comes from your thoughts about these circumstances.”
Andrew J. Bernstein
What is stress?
Stress is nothing else but your body’s response to mental or emotional pressure. Some stress may be good as it can make one perform better to overcome the situation or situations that are causing it.

When we are not able to manage stress and let it get the better of us then it becomes a problem and now have to find ways of managing, otherwise it takes us down or puts us in a worse situation, say depression.
When stress overwhelms us it will damage our relationships, our moods and as mentioned earlier, have a very negative impact on our health.
So how do we manage it? How do we not let it affect us?
Modern day studies show that the human body, on any given day, will be in two states of existence – Stress and Relaxation. As suggested before, stress is full of negativity. During this state, our body loses energy either because we begin overthinking or because we overburden ourselves with extensive physical activity. Hence, this is also known as the contraction state.

The calming feeling of destress ignites from the smallest exchanges of pleasantries, simple yet significant efforts at encouraging positivity and most importantly embracing the three H’s to destress.
Three ‘H’ to be considered for destress
1. Health
All activities that lead to a positive impact on self and environment are great ways to destress. These activities lead to a Healthy YOU holistically ensuring the well being of your body, mind and soul. Physical and Mental exercises help a lot in combating stress.

A walk or a jog for few miles, a short session of Yoga, stretching or breathing exercises would do wonders on a stressed body and mind.
Inserting little breaks of meditation at work or at home not only aid in relaxation but also in regaining positive energy. Listening to favorite musical melodies tremendously aids in calming the mind. Engaging in hobbies over the weekends is another way to distract our mind from day-today worries and rejuvenate us for the week ahead.
If you are dealing with a stressful day, eat less but more often. This way, your metabolism will keep on working and your energy will be well distributed. Blood sugar will also be more stable and in return, stress will be managed easier.
2. Happiness
Make happiness your priority. Happiness is self-created, no one but you are in charge of making yourself happy. Access to happiness need not be an expensive affair.

If we can learn to value and appreciate little things, moments and positive actions in our lives, express gratitude generously, invest in relationships, avoid negativity then happiness is bound to follow us everywhere.
3. Habit
This is a tiny but most important aspect of being stress-free. The above two H’s – Health and Happiness are not a finish line to be crossed; these need to be ingrained as a lifestyle to be lived.

Hence ‘Making it a Habit’ is of utmost importance. The above principles of ‘de-stress’ must be followed consistently with full dedication.
Being Healthy and Happy will get you started on the journey of leading a stress-free life but Habit is what will keep you going.
TIWIW is committed to well being of Everyone and of the Environment. We encourage our members to follow these 3Hs to relax, share these with loved ones, eventually impacting the larger community to make it a stress-free world. Stay Healthy, Be Happy and Make it a Habit to visit TIWIW Inspiration Board and Blog for ideas and stimulus.
and adopt a conscious lifestyle, checkout the TIWIW App now!

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