Did you ever ask yourself, what shall I do in 2023 to be a bit more human? What makes us do this question when the New Year is already here? Probably we know by now that our calendar, time and dates will change. What remains intact is humanity.
Many of you’re thinking about how you can make yourself a better person. You know…get in shape, lose weight, take care of that body you’ve got, quit smoking or drinking too much, eat healthier foods, etc. Those are all reasonable goals with measurable outcomes that would make you happier and healthier. There’s nothing wrong with striving for those things. The resolutions or goals of many people for the New Year may have been already defined. Is it not surprising to find not even a close mention of humanity in our “to do list”. But take a moment to reflect on the people around you – your friends, family members and even strangers.
Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.
–Dalai Lama
Humanity is not only about being human, but about loving and caring for each other and for all living beings. Humanity is also about doing good deeds, not just doing them but feel good while doing them. These deeds help us create a better world where everyone lives in harmony with each other and with their surroundings.
It’s so easy to love those people whom you identify with. But it takes a special kind of courage to love people no matter who they are or where they came from. You may not realize it but you can show your love for others even with simple gestures everyday. Here are some of them:

1. Always Look For The Good in People
Don’t pass judgement on others based on their mistakes. Condemnation never brings out the best in people. Generosity and sympathy do. Always remember to seek for the good in people, no regardless of how bad they may seem. Maybe all they need is someone to understand them.
2. Choose to Love
That it is preferable to be loved than to love? What if we all think like that? What would become of humanity? We are almost certainly doomed to a selfish existence in which everyone lives just for himself/herself. That would be a truly tragic world.
3. Focus on People’s Potentials
Treating everyone as an equal requires letting go of all your biases and stereotypes. Look at individuals for who they are, not what they do or how much money they have. Respect strangers the same way you respect your parents.If everyone simply did that, the world would be a better place.
4. Give Back to the Community
Giving back to your community may not directly benefit all of mankind. However, keep in mind that a single drop of water can generate numerous ripples. That tiny donation or the short amount of time you volunteered can motivate others to do the same. You’ll be making waves before you realize it.
5. Smile Even to Strangers
Don’t underestimate the power of a smile. It not only brightens your face, but it can also brighten the day of someone else. Some people simply require a burst of positivity in their lives, especially if they are having a bad day. Remember that when you smile, the entire world smiles with you.

This New Year is an opportunity to peep into our hearts where humanity dwells. We need to take one simple step forward. Act of humanity can be as simple as keeping a pot full of clean water & a bowl of grains for birds or animals. But its dividends are rich. Humanity keep us together and together we can achieve anything. One can establish a new bonding by an act of humanity. We find a number of humanitarian acts on a daily basis and if we closely observe, without humanity, we could have never survived harsh climates & calamities, we could have neither healed anyone nor be healthy, we might have not loved anyone nor cared by anyone or we might have not rescued someone and never be considered ourselves as blessed ones.
The TIWIW community encourages everyone to bring a little more humanity into the world. Be more kind, caring, and compassionate toward everything and everyone. Treat all living things with kindness. Spread this love around the world, and you will receive it back. Continue to feel love, and you will see genuine change emerge from people’s hearts. And when that happens, we will live in a truly better world.
Happy New Year!
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