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Make this Easter “eggstra”  special!

Make this Easter “eggstra” special!

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Wishing you Peace, Love, and Blessings on Easter and Always! What is the first thing that comes ...

Are you making Excuses? How to Achieve Your Top Goal of the Year.

Are you making Excuses? How to Achieve Your Top Goal of the Year.

By Posted on 0 Comments5min read616 views

Many of us made that promise almost three months back “ I will get fitter this ...

Why is Your Birthday special?

Why is Your Birthday special?

By Posted on 0 Comments5min read612 views

Is your birthday coming up? Soon you will turn 18, or a half a century, or 29, ...

How to Get Started Today and Create a Good Journal Entry

How to Get Started Today and Create a Good Journal Entry

By Posted on 1 Comment4min read745 views

Do you write a journal/diary? If yes, that’s a good ritual. If you do not, then ...

How Colors Impact Confidence and Moods?

How Colors Impact Confidence and Moods?

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The quote by John Ruskin is the inspiration to this week’s blog while it also coincides ...

How little things will make you happy

How little things will make you happy

By Posted on 0 Comments4min read814 views

Do you feel that there is always that one person in your circle that always seems ...

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