If you’re asking yourself, “Do I want to learn new things all the time?” then the answer is probably ‘yes’.
The human evolution from the Stone Age to the Age of Artificial Intelligence via the metal age, chemical age, and engineering revolution is the best example we have to appreciate the value of skills in our lives. Humans have continuously learnt, grown, and passed on skill sets to the next generation since the dawn of time. When we look back, we see that our forefathers were visionaries. They mastered skills so diligently that their children naturally inherited them. The only difference we could identify is that we may have lost a little motivation in learning new abilities that will help us stay current in the race of life. Our future will require skilled multitasking. This is because our future is projected to be fast-paced and technologically driven. The majority of the operations will be automated, and new employment roles will require skills. In summary, our destiny will be primarily determined by our abilities. Multitasking, leadership, adaptability, specialty skills, inquisitiveness, capacity to handle pressure, and many more abilities will be sought after not just in our professional lives, but also in our personal and social lives. Traditional approaches will no longer be viable since the future demands greater efficiency.
It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill.
-Wilbur Wright

Why skill development is Important?
When we recognize that our present and future are skill-driven, it is critical to comprehend what the term “skill set” implies. In simple terms, a skill is an individual’s capacity to do things, but this does not imply that the skill has any established ways of doing things. “Where there is a will, there is a way” is a popular phrase that hasn’t lost its relevance in professional life.Instead, it has wisely got turned into “Where there is a Skill, there is a way”.In today’s technologically advanced world, automation has largely replaced human participation in both critical and noncritical processes. Our work has certainly become easier, but few men have been replaced by machines. However, this trend has resulted in the creation of new career opportunities such as back-office support, centralized controls and monitoring, advanced research and development, and so on. As a result, skills have become more of a need than a matter of choice. Today, man, machine, and even technologies compete in their own fields, and the winner is the skilled man who develops the other two. In such scenario, acquiring and growing a skill set would be a fundamental instrument for us to qualify. Among several advantages of Skill development, the following are the important ones for an individual.
1. Provides competitive advantage:
It is clear to us that in personal, social, and professional life, experience (knowledge) and execution ability (skill) go hand in hand. If experience is your asset, then skill adds value to it. A skilled person is valued more in any organization because he/she will be part of the execution team. As a result, skill development becomes a critical tool for individuals at any stage of their career. A highly skilled person will always have an advantage over the competition, whether it is a promotion, leading a new project, or creating a demand for himself/herself in the industry.

2. Ensures growth
Each organization’s strength is its manpower, and its growth is directly proportionate to an individual’s efforts. However, not everyone receives the same incentives. Individuals who are capable of managing crucial roles with ability are acknowledged and rewarded highly. Growth depends on how well one works to minimize expenses, utilize resources, and maximize revenues, whether in sales and marketing, sourcing and procurement, manufacturing, or providing service and support. Hard work pays off, but smart work ensures growth.
3. Enhances Self Awareness
Today’s business looks for assets that are skilled and capable of being re-skilled and up-skilled. As a result, it is evident that skill development is an ongoing process rather than a one-time investment. The growth process begins with determining who you are and what abilities and skills you have. Skill development helps individual to dedicate time for self. It is a process of assessment of ability to do tomorrow Vs today. It is the exercise to know the capacity of learning Vs Implementing. It is the task of identifying the weakness Vs improving them into strengths. Through the process of continuously assessing and developing your skills and abilities, you’ll be able to eventually master your abilities and yourself.

4. Increases Productivity
As we are aware that a densely automated and technologically driven world demands greater efficiency – productivity is a critical measure. In a world where men are replaced by robots, the challenge for the workforce is to be 100% productive. Productivity is the consequence of individuals working efficiently inside and across departments. As a result, the role of an individual’s skill set becomes crucial. Productivity is a combination of several skill sets such as soft, technical, and functional. Skill development helps to strengthen each of these skill sets.
5. Prepares for Future
Skill Development has two aspects: Reskilling and Upskilling. Both of these aspects are beneficial in preparing ourselves for the future. Reskilling refers to the process of learning new skills to perform different professions, whilst Upskilling refers to the process of optimizing one’s current skill sets. It is important to note that the job market is continually changing, the economy is evolving, and technology developments are touching all areas of the industry. Many companies around the world are now placing a greater emphasis on hiring individuals who are skilled in many categories. This means that a skilled person with a wide range of knowledge is seen to be more valuable. In such scenario, your efforts towards skill development will fill present skill gaps and pave the path for a future. Without continuing to learn and develop your professional abilities, you will struggle to reach your career objectives in the future.

We at TIWIW feel that expanding your knowledge and skill set is more of a necessity than a choice. If you’re not working and don’t know what to study or what learning opportunities are available to you, look into the things you’re interested in. “What have I been interested in or passionate about since I was a child?” Answering this question will lead you to the learning path you should take. Learning will also provide you with immeasurable satisfaction. Learning brings joy and satisfaction regardless of one’s age or professional standing, whether for hobby or career purposes.
One of the most straightforward methods would be to speak with friends, relatives, coworkers, and professionals in the relevant field. Many seekers require counseling to better comprehend what they require. There are a number of skilled professionals available that are willing to help. The issue is to bring the seeker and the preacher together. Ironically, this, too, requires networking ability. By offering a platform for both, TIWIW makes this simple and effective. Express your desire to learn new things and share it with your friends, colleagues, and professionals via the TIWIW app as a ‘wish’, and watch as they claim your wishes and support you in achieving your goal.
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