Every day, many of us want to take on or accept a challenge in order to see a positive or desirable change in ourselves.Be it a minor challenge like waking up early in the morning or as tough as crossing English Channel, the key thing is to “try or to go for it”.If one wishes to witness a “change” in his/her life, then challenging oneself would be right idea as change is buried in a “Challenge”.
The Challenge is the one that takes you out of your comfort zone. The challenge is the catalyst for converting your thoughts into actions. The beauty of the challenge is that each of us will have a unique experience even if the goal remains the same. A challenge is something that teaches us how to develop as individuals. They encourage personal development and serve as a means of self-improvement.
My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging mysef.
-Richard Branson

3D aspects of a Challenge
We frequently regard challenges as obstacles to our progress. Instead, they are the ones who inspire us to Dream (concentrate) on our goals, Drive (Effort), and Discover (Self-improvement. They are the three main aspects of a challenge that, when utilized properly, can help us succeed in any goal.
Everyone wants to achieve something in his or her life. Unfortunately for most of us, that something is never “just” a simple achievement. We want it to be big and loud and – ideally – involve some sort of recognition from other people. That’s the only reason why we always try to challenge ourselves by going for difficult goals: it makes us feel fulfilled when we accomplish them. When we take on or accept a challenge, we begin to focus on our dreams, knowingly or unknowingly. We begin a serious brainstorming process in order to achieve our goals. Most of the world’s achievements or inventions are the product of undisturbed focus. The focus does not arise unless we make the choice to accept the challenges.

Any sort of motion or movement requires a drive, and our dreams require an action-oriented drive as well. Our efforts decide the magnitude of the anticipated success. Our inertia is pushed by a challenge. The human mind is so unpredictable that we tend to surrender before the journey even begins or at some critical point. When we accept the challenge, we become focused, and when we are focused, we instantly receive the push. Please keep in mind that one can only accept a challenge if he or she is driven to accomplish it. The challenge operates as an unseen force that propels us forward on our path to achieve our goal.

The final aspect of accepting challenge or challenging oneself is discovering self in true sense. It means realizing our strength, weakness, opportunities and hurdles. Achieving goal is something that we always cherish. We feel proud about our efforts and value them too. But, if we look attentively, the challenge that is placed at us or that we take on ourselves is the path to knowing oneself. Any constructive efforts help us to recognize our talents, where as challenge make us to discover a new “ME”. The beauty of the challenge is that it has no way connected to the success, but it prepares you to taste it. Discovering self is going beyond our goals. Goals have limits and a challenge is borderless. More and more challenge we accept, every time a new “ME” is discovered, who is much stronger, less weak, awaken and least ignorant than before.

Accepting new challenges is TIWIW’s philosophy. It expects one to be like a small seed that accepts the challenge to rise against the layers of soil to become a giant tree. It stresses that our existence is not because of our success or failure. But it is because we accept challenge to go beyond our success or failures. TIWIW strongly believes that success enhances ability, failure brings humility and a Challenge makes you confident. So whenever you come across the challenge, please remember that you are about to find a new “YOU”.
So, don’t be frightened to try something new and step outside of your comfort zone. Choose one or two things that interest you today and give them a try. You could be surprised at how much fun it is and how much fresh “YOU” you uncovered.
What do you think?