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Beauty has so many forms, and I think the most beautiful thing is confidence and loving yourself.

What will make you good neighbor?

What will make you good neighbor?

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When Mr. Rogers sang, he had a point.."It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood, A beautiful day for a neighbor. Would you be mine? Could you be mine?"if you ...

How to start Photography as a Hobby?

How to start Photography as a Hobby?

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We've all taken a photo or a selfie and treasured that moment. Photography adds so much ...

How your love for a game can make a difference

How your love for a game can make a difference

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A successful team BEATS with one heart! We spent most of our free time as children playing ...

Are you making Excuses? How to Achieve Your Top Goal of the Year.

Are you making Excuses? How to Achieve Your Top Goal of the Year.

By Posted on 0 Comments5min read616 views

Many of us made that promise almost three months back “ I will get fitter this ...

How to Get Started Today and Create a Good Journal Entry

How to Get Started Today and Create a Good Journal Entry

By Posted on 1 Comment4min read743 views

Do you write a journal/diary? If yes, that’s a good ritual. If you do not, then ...

A tribute to everyday woman – Why we need to celebrate her every day

A tribute to everyday woman – Why we need to celebrate her every day

By Posted on 0 Comments4min read668 views

It is not about comparing Women to Men. It is not the competition to prove gender ...

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