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Beauty has so many forms, and I think the most beautiful thing is confidence and loving yourself.

Remake Yourself by building good habits

Remake Yourself by building good habits

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Without a question, a habit has a direct impact on who we are. This applies to ...

Finding Purpose for Meaningful Life

Finding Purpose for Meaningful Life

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If lines of a poem end with rhyming words, it may sound good to ears, but ...

Find your new ‘YOU’ by challenging yourself

Find your new ‘YOU’ by challenging yourself

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Every day, many of us want to take on or accept a challenge in order to ...

Why You Should Learn New skills As an Adult

Why You Should Learn New skills As an Adult

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If you're asking yourself, "Do I want to learn new things all the time?" then the ...

Dare To Be Great, Embrace Humanity

Dare To Be Great, Embrace Humanity

By Posted on 0 Comments4min read903 views

Did you ever ask yourself, what shall I do in 2023 to be a bit more ...

How to stop Negative thoughts?

How to stop Negative thoughts?

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Have you ever caught yourself thinking things like "He thinks I'm a loser." "I'll get rejected." ...

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