Let’s deflect our thoughts a bit from our daily home chores and think for a second about our Home Planet Earth. We celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd every year and on that occasion we remind ourselves how each of us can contribute to preserving our precious planet and keeping it safe and healthy for the generations to come.
Try to leave Earth a better place than you arrived.
Sidney Sheldon
While scientific research continues restlessly to find existence of life on other planets, so far in our solar system, earth is the sole place, which wears the crown as the lone living planet. It has a magical atmosphere that is just perfect for millions of species to live and let live. It is estimated that 15 million different species live on our planet, but only 2 million of them are currently known to science.

True to its name, our Mother Earth creates, nurtures and protects every single organism, animal, bird, flora, and human being equally. Earth contains everything, right from food to medicine, seasons to reasons for our needs, but not for our greed
It has been a half century since the first modern movement to address the concern about the environment was started as “Earth Day” in 1970. Many important environmental events have happened on Earth Day since 1970, including the recent signing of the Paris Agreement, as Earth Day continues to be a momentous and unifying day each and every year. Is it the responsibility of only Governments or Organizations or communities to act on protecting our earth?
It is time to ask ourselves – as a responsible child of the Mother Earth, what I can do, need to do, to guard her so that she sustains to be a beautiful home for the futures to come.
Why to celebrate?

Large part of human race considers Earth as just a large planetary mass in the space whose only role is to orbit around the sun to bring days and nights.
Every moment earth has to balance life on its soil and underneath. There is an important lesson we can learn from this work–life balance.
We love to live in urban (jungle) cities, while for a weekend getaway or for a vacation; we take solace in the serenity of pure nature. How can we make our everyday environment to be as clean, beautiful and peaceful as what we strive for on a weekend?
How can we care for her?

Once referred to as the Blue planet, earth is slowly losing its luster. It is due to the continued negligence towards environment in the modern age.
Disruptive innovations of the science are progressive for the human race but humans need to ensure that these do not disrupt our existence. Every act we undertake, we need to ask the questions – will my action lead to a negative impact on my surrounding? Is there an alternate way to do this action, which will be less detrimental to earth?
What can we do?

Change starts with actions. Begin with a simple act that affects the world around you positively. Start small, influence people in your life and let it have snowball effect to become big.
Start using reusable bags, refillable bottles, keep your neighborhoods clean, ditch your car and ride a bike, say no to printing paper unnecessarily, follow waste disposal guideline strictly, minimize food wastage. Don’t just be caught up with Instagram and Netflix, drag yourself out and spend time to plant trees. Shop smartly and gift sensibly.
Start now! Make TIWIW your guiding partner on this journey to leave earth a better place than you arrived. Share your ‘action’ stories with us to inspire more lives!
and adopt a conscious lifestyle, checkout the TIWIW App now!

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