Human brain thrives in the period of certainty, success and joy. We fear failures. While there will be many who can be instrumental behind our success, failure is the one which is individually owned. We are accountable for it. The simple route to avoid failure or be able to handle failure is to be well prepared with proper planning.
Failing to PLAN is planning to FAIL
– Alan Lakein
Planning helps us to direct and/or redirect our activities in a day, week, months or years. Planning is the key stepping stone to achieve our goals both in personal life as well as professional. As the famous American writer Dale Carnegie put it – ‘an hour of planning can save you 10 hours of doing’. People without a plan often find themselves directionless and disorganized like a headless chicken.
Imagine yourself on a Sunday morning wanting to buy a loaf of bread from a nearby Bakery. You step out of home and half way to the shop, you realize that you forgot house keys and there’s no one at home. All you have failed to do is have a simple plan before you stepped out – take wallet, take keys, carry a bag, check if any additional things to buy, carry mask (new normal), check weather – carry an umbrella if forecast hints high chances of showers etc.
This planning doesn’t demand more than five minutes of your time, but fail to do so by forgetting to carry house keys certainly adds more hours to get back in to the home not to mention the woes of alternate arrangements for house keys.
TIWIW brings you simple SIX steps of planning to include in your life to make it easy going and organized.
Start with a vision: Visualize what you want to do in a day or a week or a month. Envisage every small little activity or a break time like taking a nap.
Make a list: Prioritize your visualization and translate on to a piece of paper. Better would be to buy a handy planner or notebook. Plenty of options are available. You may also express this as a wish on TIWIW. Sometimes additional tasks come on board and you can carry your planner with you to make an entry.
Be Specific: Put a timing or time frame to your activity to be specific. e.g. 7 am family breakfast, 7.30 drive kids to school, 7.45 meet Lucy etc. In the beginning this may appear to be too detailed but it helps to organize the activities well. Over a period of time, once you are accustomed to the routines, you may stop timing every activity.
Be realistic: Do not try to stuff your planner with too many activities. Be kind to yourself and plan judiciously.
Be Flexible: Life is unpredictable. Under certain unforeseen situations you may be required to run an errand disrupting your routine. So include time for flexibility to run an unplanned important task replacing a mundane schedule.
Pilot your plan: Always run your new plan for a month or so. How do you feel? Do your activities work as per the schedules you have prescribed for yourself? Do you need to regularly modify the plan (something is not working right in this case)?
Pilot your plan: Always run your new plan for a month or so. How do you feel? Do your activities work as per the schedules you have prescribed for yourself? Do you need to regularly modify the plan (something is not working right in this case)?
Do you need to make a tiny tweak? Test-drive your plan for a certain period with minor course correction here and there until you master it. Simple isn’t it?
TIWIW offers a great way to wish, express or fulfil your routines on its platform; share with loved ones to make your plan work seamlessly.
So, Start planning your life right away to make it more organized and eventful. Embrace TIWIW – Your life’s planning partner.
and adopt a conscious lifestyle, checkout the TIWIW App now!
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