‘Have a good day’ is one of most widely used greeting in our day to-day lives. However, having a bad day is absolutely normal and is a part of our daily lives too. Every one of us is bound to face a bad day, although the reasons behind and extent of manifestation differ from person to person. Largely, most of us react negatively while facing a bad day, which is quite consistent. We also expect a bad day to get over soon as it brings negativity.
Many people in our society may believe that having a bad day is unacceptable. We are frequently advised to “swap our feelings under the rug” or “cheer up.” Avoiding or denying our negative feelings, on the other hand, will only make us feel worse.
So, in this week’s blog, TIWIW offers a different perspective on dealing with a “bad day.”
Let’s start with some inspiration.
If you wish to live to see better days, then you must endure the bad days.”
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam – ex-President India and Scientist

What is a bad day?
A day that turns out to be a bit more tough and stressful to pull through can be termed as a bad day. If things do not go as planned, we become more emotionally challenged. Sometimes a trigger can be a small unpleasant conversation or action followed by sequence of unlikable events resulting in the day turning out to be not as we would have expected it to be. If the day flows as planned, we conclude it as a good day and vice-versa. In short, it is up to an individual to conclude his or hers day to be a good or bad one.
The brighter side of a bad day
Interestingly, a bad day for one person may be regarded as a wonderful day by another. It is a matter of perspective, and a deep dive into multiple perspectives might reveal that a poor day has many takeaways as a great teacher and ally.
The Only Difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude
Dennis S
1. It is Informative
Many times, bad days give us some valuable insight into a larger issue. You could be the cause of what you’re experiencing or going through. In this fast-paced world, it is observed that we tend to neglect our health, actions or our surroundings. It is important that you view your bad days not from a critical point of view, but from a place of compassion. Look at the issues as information. Question yourself – Where are you lacking? How can you improve? how can you balance your life out so you feel happier.
2. It Improvises You
For Example, when you succeed or win, you feel better. It is a wonderful experience. At the same time, losing a game or failing at something is disappointing, but it is not the end of the world. It is time to improvise your plan, methods and executions. It is all about rethinking on your strategies or focusing on the shortcomings or changing your implementation plan. This helps in holding on to your right attitude and building your character to bounce back.

3. It Strengthens Connection
There may be times when you need to rely on someone close to you to help you get through a terrible day or scenario. During such difficult circumstances, you may feel a variety of emotions such as anger, grief, defeat, embarrassment, rage, frustration, and so on. When you seek someone’s assistance and receive it in return, your bond with that person grows stronger.Bad days might be an impetus to open out to a loved one. As a result, your bonding may reach new heights.
4. It makes you Appreciate Good Days
Without experiencing bad days, good days would lose their charm, and good days would simply be days in our lives. It wouldn’t feel like they were fantastic if every day was perfect. It would just feel normal. When we are pleased or have enough to live comfortably, we tend to seek more or feel unfulfilled, which is natural. But on a bad day, we remember those times when we had everything to look forward to and appreciate them.

5. It Enables you to be kind
You must have observed that on a bad day, a small act of kindness or simple compliment form others means a lot for you. Even a smile from others makes a big difference. We never know how others are feeling or experiencing on any given day and a small act of kindness from us could bring sunshine to their lives
Everyone will go through difficult times in their lives. So it’s okay to have some bad days. TIWIW encourages its members to be open and to accept a bad day as a passing phase. Instead of stressing and fighting reflect on all the things you can learn from these moments. If you have control over the solutions, take the necessary steps on your own or with the assistance of someone close to you.
TIWIW emphasizes that in the midst of adversity, don’t forget to take care of yourself because your health determines your attitude, and your attitude can turn a bad day around.
Have a wonderful day.
What do you think?