Are you angry? Are you frustrated? You’re not alone. In fact, you are probably in the majority right now in the world. Anger is a natural human emotion that is often a reaction to an occurrence that causes frustration, powerlessness, injustice, or a threat. Anger seemed to be spreading everywhere, from social media comments to political arguments to news broadcasts and everywhere in between.
What is this Anger all about?
Often defined as intense emotion, Anger or rage is a commonly found instinct or an impulsive nature among all human beings. Then the question arises why we should worry about it? Is it because of the harm it causes in people’s personal, family, professional and social lives? The obvious response is ‘YES’. In reality anger is not a character, but an impulse that brings a number of emotions in us. Having said that, anger is a perfectly normal response to frustrating or difficult situations. But when we frequently mobilize anger, it can undermine relationships or damage our physical health. On the other hand, when we glance through the positive side of anger, surprisingly we may find it as a means of motivation to combat injustice in the family or society, if any.
Angry people want you to see how powerful they are… loving people want you to see how powerful you are.
Chief Red Eagle

TIWIW believes in being positive in our life. Today, it stresses upon understanding Thomas Paine’s quote – The greatest remedy for anger is delay. Despite an unfavorable reputation, TIWIW is optimistic about the concept of constructive anger, which is gaining support from researchers. In fact a fascinating study in 2017 reveals that anger has been a good pal of human being since ages as it helps to face and overcome the obstacle. One more research study in 2019, has recommended not suppressing anger. A suppressed anger would lead to heart diseases, stroke and uncontrolled blood pressure and also can lead to violent behavior..
Why do we need to be positive about anger?
Sometimes, it can be difficult to categorize anger, as an emotion, as good or bad. What matter most is how we react and whether we use our anger productively, so to speak. Anger can be viewed as a tool that helps us to read and respond to the upsetting situations. In recent times, a greater number of psychologists and brain researchers believe that anger has a negative connotation due to social, cultural and religious reasons and its potential destructive outcomes.
Professionals suggest that anger has valuable qualities that are beneficial to human conditions when used constructively. According to health experts, anger has the ability to motivate, allow us to improve communication and also promotes optimism. Let’s look at some of the benefits of channeling anger constructively.
Anger is our survival tool
Anger is also a quick adaptive response against threats. Thus anger has been important to human survival. Humans survived by fighting against the threats and overcoming the challenges. Scientific research shows that anger played important role in human evolution. Our fight response was and is due to this anger.
Anger energizes us
From survival point of view, we retaliate and make our enemy fear us. Anger not only guards us, it also gives us strength and aggression to help us to overcome a mightier opponent.
Anger drives us towards our goals
When we do not get the desired results, it is usual for anger to be provoked, indicating that we have strayed from our goals. This anger energizes and motivates us to take action toward our objectives. As per researchers, anger activates the left anterior cortex of the brain, which is associated with positive behaviors of us. Thus anger potentially motivates us with energy to take necessary action towards our goals or to overcome a difficult situation or injustice Anger propels us to use our individual power, alone or collectively. Individuals who constructively experience and express their anger are in a better position to fulfill their needs. When we are angry, we feel more optimistic about our ability. This empowers us to take action and move from an undesirable position to a desirable one.
Anger leads to self Improvement
Anger allows for spiritual and emotional development. Exploring our anger with curiosity and purpose can bring insight into our flaws and weaknesses, leading to character growth and increased self-esteem.

Ways to Channelize the anger for positive change?
Every person has a unique style of expressing anger. Some people become emotionally overwhelmed and lose control of their words and actions. Some people choose to turn off and not talk about it at all. In either case, the person who is upset is reacting to the issue in the most acceptable way for them. When we are furious, we rarely pause to consider the consequences of our actions. It is difficult to establish an outline and a list of ways to communicate one’s displeasure. However, there are a few things we should keep in mind for our own good:
1. Reflection

In the majority of challenging situations, it is our reaction that has the most impact on us. Even if we assume that a dramatic change in our mood will prompt the other person to consider what they did wrong, it is possible that they will not be able to identify their error after all. In this situation, it is essential to pause, take some time to ourselves, reflect, assess what we perceive went wrong, and talk with the other person.
2. Communication

Talk to the person who has offended you. It does not have to be done instantly, but it is critical that you explain your boundaries and express your displeasure with what the other person did or said. This increases communication and allows you to strengthen your relationship with the other person involved.
3. Conclusions

Don’t make assumptions. Sometimes things are spoken as a joke, and you may have taken it to a whole other level. Remember that it takes two to tango. So, once again, pause for a moment, take a deep breath, and analyze the situation and whether what transpired was truly hurtful.
4. Creation

Anger is such a powerful motivator. Draw your feelings, compose a piece of music, dance it out, anything that allows you to vent your anger while being productive. This is exclusively for your benefit! Perhaps you discover a new talent or a new passion while exploring how you feel. Anything can happen at any time, so pick how you spend your time wisely.
So go on, then, be angry! Then leverage your anger to feed your next creative pursuit or strengthen relationships. You might be surprised at what new ideas and epiphanies rise to the surface.
Anger doesn’t have to be so negative. Let it teach you to grow.
What do you think?